Extemporaneous Essay:
Competitors are allotted 60 minutes to compose a handwritten essay on a randomly selected topic related to the theme.
Extemporaneous Speaking:
The art of extemporaneous speaking is not for the faint-hearted. Delivering a coherent, engaging, and moving speech, is easy enough, right? Now try doing that on the spot with only 15 minutes of preparation!
Original Oratory:
Competitors present a memorized original oration within a seven (7) minute period. The oration must relate back to the theme, but also be applicable to a general audience.
Competitors must submit an original piece of poetry never before published within a 40 line limit. The piece must clearly relate back to the theme, but also be applicable to a general audience.
Prepared Essay:
Have you been inspired by this year’s MIST theme? The prepared essay competition is perfect if you’re looking for an outlet. This is your chance to be creative and persuade us on the significance of your chosen topic. Share the passion!
Short Fiction:
Competitors are to submit an original work of fiction no longer than 10 pages that relates to the theme and can also be applied to a competitor-defined target audience. Illustrations are permitted for younger intended audiences.
Spoken Word:
If you’re more of the performer type of a poet, then spoken word is for you! Here’s your chance to convey your passion and originality, all while inspiring those around you.