General Competitor FAQs:

Who can compete in MIST?

Anyone in high school can compete in MIST! 

Can I sign up with any high school I want?

No, you must register with your high school. We do require proof of enrollment when checking in to the tournament. Early Registration opens February 16th and Late Registration opens March 16th; Registration deadline is April 5th.

What if I’m in eighth grade?

We allow middle schoolers to compete if they fill out the Middle School Essay Form that is available here. They must write a 1-page paper on why they should be allowed to start competing this year. Please note that you must be 13 years old by the first day of the tournament to compete.

Who do I contact to get an invitation to join the team?

Contact your team’s coach in order to receive an invitation to join your school’s MIST team. If you do not have the contact information for your team’s captain, please contact MIST Atlanta. 

I’ve received an invitation email to join a team. What do I do now?

Follow the link that is a part of the invitation email you have received. This will take you to MyMist, which is the portal MIST Atlanta uses for registration. From there, follow the prompts to join your team. If you can’t find your school, be sure you’re spelling it correctly. If it is still not there, contact MIST Atlanta via email.

How many competitions can I sign up for? Can I only compete in a sport?

Competitors cannot only compete in a sport, and must be registered for at least two other competitions for their registration to be finalized. Students can sign up for one competition per category, for a maximum of six competitions.

*Note: you may not choose an Esport as your other competition choice while also playing a sport. 

What if I can’t afford to pay the fees on the online registration portal?

MIST Atlanta offers partial and full registration fee scholarships to eligible students every year, both during the Early and Late Registration periods. Be on the lookout for the scholarship application deadline, which is March 11th and is available here.

What do I do after I register online? Is there anything I need to bring with me to MIST?

After online registration, the next step for competitors is to focus on preparing their Early Submissions if needed for their competitions; deadline for Early Submissions is April 11th. When students come to MIST during tournament weekend, they need to bring a few things with them: a 2024-2025 physical school ID, any competition submission items, and a good attitude! 

When is the Late Submissions deadline?

Late submissions deadline is 3 days after Early Submission closes BUT there are point deductions for each day missed after the early submissions deadline. So if submitted:

  • April 12th = 5 point deduction

  • April 13th = another 10 point deduction

  • April 14th = another 10 point deduction

Anything submitted after is disqualified.

How does the on-site check-in process work? 

On the first day of tournament weekend, students will check-in to the tournament and provide their 2024-2025 physical school IDs. Once they check-in, they will be provided with their name badge for the tournament and can proceed to competitions and orientation. Students must check-in in person to participate in tournament weekend.

General Coach FAQs:

Who can be the coach for a team? How do I get started?

Your team must select a coach to serve as a representative and liaison between your team and MIST. They will be the contact person for MIST if there are any problems with your team’s registration. For every ten competitors, your team will need one coach and they must be 21 years and older. Be sure to have your coach join the Whatsapp group chat at the link on our IG bio.

What requirements do I have to meet for my team’s registration to be finalized?

All competitors on your team must be at least 13 years old by the first day of the tournament, and under 19 years old. They may not compete if they have graduated high school. Similarly, all coaches on your team must be at least 21 years of age by the first day of the tournament. Ensure that all competitors are registered for the correct competitions, and are not only participating in sports. Please know that the students on waitlists are NOT officially competing, they must be off the waitlist for their name to show up on our roster. Finally, all competitors and coaches must have paid their fees.  

Why is my student on the waitlist?

If a student registers for a competition but they do not meet the criteria, they will be “waitlisted” for the competition. For example, if they register for basketball but didn’t register for anything else, or registered individually for a competition that requires other people. Please do your best to keep up with the waitlisted students. We don’t want competitors to show up on MIST weekend and their name is not on the ballot due to being waitlisted!

What responsibilities do I have as a Coach after online registration is finalized and submitted?

After registration has closed, it is a coach’s job to keep up with their students and their work. The coach should provide a roster to all of their students so that their competitions are confirmed and so they can keep up with early submissions.

What happens if I need to fix something on my team’s registration after online registration is submitted?

The MIST Atlanta team will be working with registrars throughout the registration process to ensure that registration is completely accurate before it is submitted and finalized. However, should the need arise for registration to be edited following a team’s finalization, please contact us via our email so we can better help you.

What do I do if a student from the wrong high school joins my team?

Please email MIST Atlanta ( if you know someone is on the wrong team, and we can help switch them to their correct high school team. We will be checking this at on-site check-in during tournament weekend.

Team Captain FAQs

Who can be the captain for a team? How do I get started?

From amongst your team’s competitors, coaches, and guests, one responsible individual must be selected to serve as a representative and liaison between your team and MIST. This responsible individual is called the captain. He/she is the contact person for MIST if there are any problems with your team’s registration. The person who creates a team for your school on MyMIST will be made the team captain, and must be approved by the MIST Atlanta Registration Team. The approval process is done within the MyMIST portal. 

What requirements do I have to meet for my team’s registration to be finalized?

All competitors on your team must be at least 13 years old by the first day of the tournament, and under 19 years old. Similarly, all coaches on your team must be at least 21 years of age by the first day of the tournament. Ensure that all competitors are registered for the correct competitions, and are not only participating in sports. Finally, all students on your team must attend your high school and all competitors and affiliated guests must have paid their fees online. Once these criteria are met, you must submit a request to your team’s coaches for them to finalize your team through the MyMIST system. After they approve the request, registration for your team is now finalized!

What responsibilities do I have as captain after online registration is finalized and submitted?

Soon after registration is completed, the team captain will receive a list of MIST IDs for students. These ID numbers are used to ensure fair judging during competitions, and should be given out to students to use when submitting their Early Submissions. Another thing that the registrar should ensure is that everyone on their team has their proof of age ready for tournament weekend. 

What happens if I need to fix something on my team’s registration after online registration is submitted?

The MIST Atlanta team will be working with captains throughout the registration process to ensure that registration is completely accurate before it is submitted and finalized. However, should the need arise for registration to be edited following a team’s finalization, please contact us so we can better help you. 

What do I do if a student from the wrong high school joins my team?

If a student on your team is registered with a high school that they do not attend, they will be disqualified. Please email MIST Atlanta ( if you know someone is on the wrong team, and we can help switch them to their correct high school team. We will be checking this at on-site check-in during tournament weekend.

Coalitions FAQs

If my team is small, can I join with another small team?

Yes, you can! We allow for smaller teams (less than 15 competitors) to form coalitions so that they can compete together; coalitions can only be a maximum of 30 competitors.

How does a Coaltion team work?

Coalition teams are formed by multiple smaller teams coming together to form a single larger team. This allows for teams with fewer students to form a larger group to compete as one. If you would like this option for your team, please email with the subject line “FULL COALITION REQUEST”, and a registration coordinator will contact you.

If my team is a part of a coalition, does that mean we can register for group competitions or brackets together?

Unfortunately, you may only register for group competitions with other members from your high school. The exception for this is for sports competitions, and that is only if a high school does not have enough students to form a full team.

Doesn’t registering as an individual high school as opposed to a larger, multi-school team or youth group lower our chances of winning?

It actually allows you to have more students competing in a competition as each high school can have two people compete in each competition, so a coalition can have 2 people from each of their high schools compete.